
All I Want

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

04-03-2016, 11:28 PM

Rivaxorus didn't mean to startle the woman, he took a step back and watched her closely. Now that he could actually get a good look at her, it seemed like there was something wrong with her eyes. He was not healer, but the cloudiness was not normal from any eyes he had seen. He wanted to assume her vision was blurry, blind at best. This meant he would have to communicate far more by noise than he did body language. Making his shoulders relax a bit as he listened to her speak after she had finally settled on his position. "I'm not intruding on your living space am I." Rivaxorus smiled for a moment, trying to hide a muffled laugh.

"Not at all, I simply come here often to cool off my paws. It's a nice area, the streams make it easier to get water and food at the same time.... if you like fish that is." He knew Razor didn't enjoy fish, his brother liked land meat. Even if the weaker wolf couldn't entirely hunt well for himself. Rivaxorus actually understood now why she was thin, that scent of her companion probably helped her hunt. He could only imagine though how it would be, being unable to see and hunt. While they could easily hone their other senses, sight could play a vital role on positioning.

"I... don't wish to be rude, but are you blind?" he asked with a tilt of his head. "My name's Rivaxorus II, you can call me Riv." Rivaxorus would stay where he was. Sitting down he let his tail enter the water without much of a care. He didn't want to approach her and give her a scare, if he did that he'd be sure to make her aware that he was here. A nice friendly talk with a stranger would always do him some good after all.

"Talk" "You" Think