
Are You A Saint Or A Sinner? [M]


06-12-2013, 08:32 PM
There was so much to see in this new land. So many unclaimed lands that were trespassed by rogues. Rogues that could easily go missing. Lips curled back in smile at the though. No she would wait. She would be patient. She would search for the perfect one and wait. Wait until it was perfect. Her thoughts were shattered when a deep baritone howl reached sensitive audits. Demyan. She was happy to have him back, that he finally decided to catch up with her again. She'd have to remember to cover her trail better next time. She was relatively close so her steps remained unhurried as she weaved her path to her brother. Paws imprinted on the ground with each step, the earth giving way beneath her weight. Hips swayed gently, stilted carried her gracefully, shoulders rolling with each step. She always came when he called, but today she took her time, he had after all ruined her fun with the brute she met in the woods. He could wait.

Her course brought her to a beach. But not the one she had heard of as a pup. There was no soft white sandy and pristine blue waters. But rather the sand was black as night, the water along with it. How odd. She had made her entrance behind her brothers position, but she made no motion to hide herself. There was no point in trying to sneak up on him. "Demyan." She purred as she approached, rubbing her bodice against the length of him. Oh how she missed him. Craved him. Fangs nipped along his side until she stood before him. Crown tilted upward slightly to meet his cyan gaze. The setting sun turned his pelt a fiery red color, as though he currently stood in hell. "You called?" Lyrics dripped honey. She knew why he called. He wanted her. He always wanted her. And oh the games she could now that she was in heat. She loved toying with him. He may never admit but he was her plaything.

She was curious to see what he would have to say. Not only had she kept him waiting, but she would continue to taunt him. "So tell me, what do you think?" Silvery plume flicked behind her, curling over her back, gesturing to their surroundings. She had brought them here. Turning away from him, she let her tail tickle the underside of his jaw as she walked to the water edge, letting the frigid liquid caress her toes. She tossed him a look over her shoulder, waiting.