
Fall Into Me {Pack Meeting}



4 Years
Athena I
04-04-2016, 12:48 AM

Piper heard the sound of paw steps and when she eagerly turned her head to see who had come to join the meeting next her bright blue gaze landed on the last form she had expected to see. She could only blink and stare, the shock freezing her in place. She barely paid attention to the gray woman that was growling at her mother, her eyes too fixed on Wren's form. She hadn't seen her mother since she was still a little pup. She was a whole year old now. "Momma...?" she asked softly, but by the time the word left her mouth it was being drowned out by her sister's angry outburst. Her eyes snapped to Finch, her ears falling back against her skull. She had never seen Finch like that and it possibly shocked her more than Wren's sudden appearance. Lark came next, immediately going to Finch's side. That was good. She didn't think her legs would let her stand to do it herself.

Sparrow's words stung even more than Finch's had. A soft whine escaped her and she felt her shoulders pull in toward themselves as she shrank back from the anger that was swirling around her. She wanted to be excited for her mother coming back. That meant that their father wouldn't be so sad and lonely now, right? That's all she wanted. "Stop... Stop yelling," she told them, but her voice had no volume and no conviction behind it. She looked from her group of siblings to her mother and back again, torn and conflicted. She didn't want to pick a side. She wanted everyone to be happy. She glanced at her father desperately before letting her eyes settle on Wren once again. She didn't understand the hurt and hate that was swirling around her. She couldn't comprehend it. "Hey, Momma," she said softly, her tail thumping weakly against the ground.

"Talk" "You" Think