
I seem to be lacking Vitamin U



2 Years
04-04-2016, 12:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2016, 01:03 PM by Arivae.)

Arivae had always refused to stay up at night. She believed it would put her sleep schedule at risk, therefore altering the way she performed pack activities. And she was raised that way...Garthinaw and Song had both ensured that she rest from dawn til dusk. Whether that was to assist her puppy-growing process or not, she had continued to sleep at those times. Tonight was the exception.

Arivae had gone out to find Amalia some herbs as sort of a favor. She didn't know whether or not the woman had been running low on them, but hey, too many goodies was never a bad thing! On her way back from giving her red-headed mentor/friend the bundle of stuff, the sun had already hidden itself behind the horizon and refused to cast its brilliant light across the mangrove. Which had worried Arivae for a while. With clumsy paws she tripped and stumbled over the roots that covered the forest. They were everywhere, and with tiny paws like hers it was hard not to get stuck in them.

The good news was she didn't get so stuck that she couldn't wiggle her way out. The bad news? She kept falling on her face and bumping her nose. And it hurt! Her poor nose was throbbing because of it! Arivae whined softly, looking around. Through the darkness she could see a little patch of ground without too many roots. Thank the stars, she could rest. The small girl whined and stepped over the remainder of tree that blocked her path, before flopping to the ground and rolling over. Her chest rose and she let out a prolonged sigh.

Her paws rose to her face and she cupped her sore nose for a little while, trying to rub it free of pain like her mother did when she was younger. But it seemed to only make it worse. Arivae whimpered and rolled over, only to be greeted by an incredible light that had gone unnoticed while she was turned over. It was everywhere. The water that stretched like fingers across the entire mangrove lit up blue, and it made Arivae squeak in excitement. She slowly stood to her paws and moved over to the closest slip of water. She lowered her head and stared at it, blinking in awe. How did it glow like that? Why hadn't she noticed this before? Arivae smiled and dropped to her belly, her tail wiggling gently as she tried to figure out where on earth this magical glow came from.

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