
Are You A Saint Or A Sinner? [M]


06-12-2013, 09:07 PM
She loved to test him, to drive him to the point of no return, but he loved it all. She was sin incarnate and she was his sister. She belonged to him. She was to respond only to him, to bow beneath him and his unmatched power. She was his to control and do with what he liked and he didn't care if she didn't like it. She was going to be his until the day that she died and even after that. Even if he had to chase her down to the depths of hell she would never escape him. She could run and hide as much as she wanted, but Demyan would always find his bloody siren. There was no corner to far, or to dangerous that the hellion would not brave to drag his sibling back to his side. Despite thinking himself a god, he knew he was just as vulnerable to his sister as she was to him. She was a seductress and he was a man; he was not immune to her ways and she knew that. And she took every opportunity she had to use it against him.

She took her time answering his call, apparently still sore with him about having ruined her fun yesterday with the two buffoons. She could be irritated with him as much as she wanted, he didn't care. She was in heat and no other male that wasn't him wasn't allowed to touch her. They would have to go through him first before they could even think of getting even a sliver of her. After what seemed like hours, her light grey silhouette finally came into view, slithering its way towards him, approaching him from the rear. She purred his name, venom laced honey as she rubbed her body the length of his, nipping at his sides, his abdomen clenching in response. Cataleya. he growled huskily, taking a good nip to the base of her tail as she walked by, his cyan gems seeming to become alive with a hot fire. Damn her and her feminine charms. She knew better than to tease him and yet she did. She loved stoking his fire and he couldn't deny that he liked it too, despite how irritating it could be at times.

You called? she whispered seductively, her voice smooth as silk. The teasing never stopped. She was not stupid. She knew why he'd called but still she choose to play the oblivious card, as if she were a completely innocent little girl with no devious intentions in mind. She could surely look the part but her brother knew her better than that. She padded away from him, plume whipping beneath his chin, making his jaw clench as a suppressed growl rumbled in his chest. I think you're a taunting little tease. he snarled dangerously, striding up beside her, incisors nipping at her haunches as he made a trail of bites up her spine, down the dip between her shoulders until he'd hit her neck, at which point he grabbed her scruff. His grasp was firm, not nearly hard enough to break the skin. He pulled back, causing her crown to tip upwards towards the sky as he held her there, relishing in his moment of power. She was a fool to tease a man of his size. He could take her with no resistance, whether she was willing or not but he choose to bide his time, see how far she would take it. Two can play at your little game sister. he growled into her fur, releasing her scruff as he pushed his massive chest against her, towering above her as he allowed his gaze to fall on her, a pounding having awakened between his hips.