
I seem to be lacking Vitamin U



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-04-2016, 08:52 PM

Unlike Arivae, Tiburtius was no stranger to sleepless nights. His thoughts bothered him the most at night, keeping him awake and forcing him to wait till he was really tired to actually go to sleep. That was the state he was in now. He had found a spot next to one of the many glowing streams that moved thread the mangroves and he was laying on his side, his front half propped up on one elbow. One of his pale gray forepaws reached forward to lightly skim over the top of the water while he watched it absently. He was used to Arivae going to sleep fairly early and his mothers had been doing the same since his sisters were born so he tended to spend his nights alone. He was okay with that, but he did wish sometimes that he had someone to stay up with.

Like the world wanted to answer his wishes, his ears perked at the sound of a rustle and a thump in the darkness, his head lifting to squint out into the dark to see what had made the noise. Curious, he got up and made his way over in the direction the noise had come from, careful to step over the roots and things that cluttered up the ground. He heard a whine and he realized who the voice belonged to moments before he spotted Arivae laying on the ground. He watched as she rolled over and saw her expression when she saw the glowing water around them. He chuckled softly and padded over to her, stepping over the water she had been so awed over to come settle on his stomach beside her. He pressed his nose to his cheek with a smile, his tail wagging behind him. "What are you doing up so late, pretty girl?"

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