
Sorry catches no prey

Bright Moon


6 Years
04-04-2016, 10:37 PM (This post was last modified: 04-05-2016, 03:35 PM by Bright Moon.)
OOC: Okay, let's get this going! No posting order needed, but I'll make sure to give everyone a chance to join in before moving on!

As the lead huntress waited the arrival of younglings, she was first approached by two much older students - though both were quite young, they towered over the older huntress. Her heart skipped a beat and she took in a deep breath as the first approached. She felt a strong jolt of nervousness when the green-coated woman's red eyes met hers. To the huntress, red eyes had always meant trouble. But, the young lady greeted her quietly, a little awkwardly, before falling silent. So Bright nodded at Zephyra, remembering her face from the last meeting. "I'm Bright Moon, but just call me Bright," she said softly in reply to the younger female. Next to arrive would be Rivaxorus II, a relative of Leo's. Bright greeted the boy with a quick nod, letting the two youngsters settle beside each other to chatter quietly, while her silver eyes scanned the distance.

At last, two much smaller students would arrive, ones she'd hoped to see. They were pups of Leo's, which pleased her. She smiled in welcome to the youngest members of the lesson. She wondered where Ama's young ones were, but before she could think more on that, her friend Nala appeared. She was surprised to see the hunter at this lesson, but not disappointed at all. She could actually be of good assistance, since there were quite a few students and this was her first group to lead in Fiori. "Hello Nala," the silver-coated woman would say, dipping her head, "I'm actually glad you're here. Sit tight, and I'm sure I will find a job for you!" She smiled at her friend, the black tip of her tail waggling, before she noticed one more to approach the group.

The lead huntress noticed Diana coming, and tried to offer a smile to the sweet girl, hoping she would notice the welcoming gesture amongst all of the scary faces. She was pleased to have the girl sit next to her, and though she wouldn't say anything of the nature, Bright Moon was also anxious about the crowd she'd drawn. But, feeling confident enough in her ability to teach hunting to these youngsters, she would not shy away from this task. Lastly, Jayne would appear, coming to her sister's side immediately, a sight that brought a smile to Bright's face.

When everyone had settled, Bright would clear her throat loudly, standing and waving her tail in a very obvious, attention-drawing manner. Once she was sure she had attracted some attention, she began to speak. "Welcome, young hunters of Fiori," she called out, attempting to project her normally quiet, soft-spoken voice, "I am Bright Moon, Fiori's Baroness, or lead huntress. You can all call me Bright for short. Today we will be learning and building on our foundation for strong hunting skills, such as tracking, stalking and chasing or pouncing. Now, we're all at different levels of hunting skill, so we'll break into groups after some warm up." She would glance around to each face, hoping to see eagerness to learn, and wondering what the skill level of each student was - this made her glad for Nala's presence, as having an extra paw available would be a good way to split the different aged students into groups.

"Let's all spread out a little bit," she called out, waving her tail, "We're going to start first with our hunter's crouch." With ease, Bright Moon would drop into a crouch to demonstrate precisely what she meant. "Bend your knees and elbows, in such a way that you can feel an easy spring in your step," she advised, showing how fluidly one could move in a crouched position if the joints in one's legs were loose and bendy while muscles were taught, ready to leap, "Keep your body low with tail closely aligned to your spine - never let it drag on the ground, otherwise you'll make too much noise and alert your prey to your position. If your tail is held too high, your prey might spot you more easily. And your ears, keep them low unless you must pause to seek your target by sound. Never shuffle your paws along the ground; lift each paw carefully as you move, so you don't disturb the environment. If you kick over stones or break twigs, you'll scare off your prey. Everything about your movement must be quiet and stealthy if you wish to hunt successfully. Everyone give it a try - don't worry if you've never done this before, Nala and I will help you get it right." She glanced over to the snow white female with blue eyes, nodding to her with a smile, knowing the woman would lend her a paw in supervising each student as they worked on their crouch.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]