
California Dreamin'

Mercy I


5 Years

04-05-2016, 12:47 PM

Some nerve you have
To break up my lonely
And tell me you want me

Mercy slowly turned her whole attention towards him, her purple eyes forever searching his ruby gaze. Why was he so special? Why was he able to just climb over the walls that she set up around her heart? No one had ever been able to breach them all, not even Revenge. There was still parts of her that her own brother had not been able to reach, and yet after one night he had found a way to unlock every door to her true self. For so long she had been covering herself up with anger and hate, keeping away the pain and emptiness that filled her very soul. There were holes around her being, patches of herself that she hadn't been able to find. But now with him, it felt like they were starting to get stitched together. Slowly the strings were being pulled taunt, temporary patches keeping her from falling apart. Who was this Gethin? What made him able to do this to her, to make her heart race in her chest, her breath catch in her throat. She had always thought that Revenge was the most important wolf in her life, that no one could ever be regarded in a higher light. But Gethin was raised on a pedestal, one so high that she could hardly see him sitting atop it. A small smile spread across her lips, and for the first time in a long time, it felt like she was actually happy. Her world had been flipped upside down when Gethin walked into her life, and she didn't want to ever lose him. It was something that scared her, really and truly terrified her. She had never depended on another wolf before, she had always been okay to be alone. But now... why could she not picture her future without him in it? She hardly knew him, and he didn't know the kind of wolf she was. But then why had they said what had been spoken? Why did it feel like on some level, they really did know each other. It was all so confusing, so knew to her. Mercy wasn't sure how to really orginize all these thoughts and feelings, or how to express them. So she just looked at him and blinked slowly, her smile steadily growing as she stared into those eyes. She felt like she had already traced every feature on his face, knew every hair that covered him. But she did it again, purple eyes following the flow of his fur, the curves of his brow and muzzle. She felt like she couldn't breath, the breath rushing out of her lungs in one foul swoop.

How dare you march into my heart
Oh how rude of you
To ruin my miserable
And tell me I’m beautiful

Her eyes grew misted when he said that no one had ever said something like that to him, and she understood just what he meant. No one had made her feel this special, or like she really mattered. There was no doubt in her mind that they were drawn together at some other level, one she never knew existed. It was like there was a cord that connected them, pulling them close. She had a feeling that if it was ever severed, she would lose even more of herself. He had burrowed his way into very being, with little effort at all. Had she even been resisting? Fear gripped at her heart like sharp teeth at the thought, a shuttering sigh leaving her constricted chest. She hadn't barred him out like she did with every other wolf she had ever met, offered no counteraction. They were too much alike, too much history had been followed. In their journey of life they had walked down some of the same paths, and yet they had never crossed each other until now. To show each other this kindness that they had been lacking in their short lives. A sweet tenderness that most children grew up with, something they had both been yearning for without their knowledge.

Gethin leaned forward, the tightening of their cord growing taunt as he touched her. Sparks of electricity fired through her at every glancing caress that he offered her, his nose and cheek brushing against hers. His warm face found a nook in the crook of her neck, and it sat there like he was always meant to lean on her. Her breathing grew heavy, ears tipping back somewhat as she fought to control her fluttering heart. She was not able to resist her own taste of his fur against her, and her head tipped down until her forehead rested just behind his ear. She breathed in the very essence of him, his scent filling her nostrils. Purple eyes slipped closed as everything melted away from them, leaving just the two of them in this very moment. Mercy never wanted to leave this piece of time, and subconsciously she clung to it. His teeth grazed across her scruff, an involuntary shiver running down the length of her spine. Her breath caught in her throat, eyes flying wide at the sudden hum of energy. The soft fur of his chest molded into her own, and she shifted until she was leaning into him. Mercy could feel his heart beating against her own, their beats finding the same rhythm. They in-tuned in every way possible, and nothing could be more intimate. He spoke again, and this time her whole body grew ridged. He was offering himself to her, laying down like a lamb to slaughter at her paws. It may seem a morbid comparison, but that is how it felt to her. He didn't know what she could do with that now, he had rolled over and exposed his belly to her. Gethin was showing his soul to her, baring everything he was and ever would be to her. Mercy's eyes grew watery, her lips quivering as silent tears slipped down her black marked face. He didn't know her, and yet he was literally giving her everything he was. But why? Why?

Cause I wasn’t looking for love no
Nobody asked you to get me attached to you
In fact you tricked me
And I wasn’t trying to fall in love but boy you pushed me

"Why?" She asked, her voice quivering slightly as she broke the silence that had fallen. Her voice was hoarse, and a muffled, garbled laugh bubbled in her throat. "I never asked for this, I didn't expect myself to fall so hard. I... we don't even know each other, Gethin," she cracked. Even though it burned her like fire, she forced herself to stand up and take a few shaky steps backwards. She looked at him, her tears falling steadily down her face. She sniffled, slowly shaking her head from side to side. "I don't deserve this, this kind of attention and devotion. I've run from everything and everyone that has ever dared to get close to me. But you... why are you so different from everyone else? You found your way into everything without even trying," A strangled cry left her maw, and she shuffled back a few more paces. Her ears were flat against her head, a single leg raising as if she was unsure of herself. "I didn't do anything to merit this. I'm not a good wolf, I'm broken and torn apart. How can you care for someone like that, or even trust my words?" It burned her throat like acid as it came out, and Mercy began to feel ill. "But... I can't lose you. I so selfishly want to hold on to you like my life depends on it. I always thought I was never meant for love, I've been hurt too many times."

So all that I’m asking
Is that you handle me with caution
Cause I don’t give myself often
But I guess I’ll try today

Even though she had taken steps away from him, that rope that connected pulled at her soul. She stumbled forward, until she could stand it no longer. Leaping forward she aimed to close the distance between them, pushing against Gethin until he flopped over onto his back. Standing over him she let out a growl, her jaws parting as her head twisted towards her own left. Lowering her neck she closed her jaws around his neck, but her bite was weak. Her teeth just brushed against his skin, not even close to causing him any real harm. Letting out another suffocating wail, she held her pose until her body gently collapsed on top of his. Her legs were bent, most of her weight staying on her legs as her belly brushed against his own. She buried her face under his chin, her tears soaking into his fur. "I could kill you if I wanted, you trust me too much," she whispered, her form shuttering with each cry. "But I can't. I can't lose you, even though I know I don't deserve this, or you. Why, Gethin. Why did you chose me?" She asked, desperation in her voice. She left her parents, betrayed the woman who raised her from that point on. She left her brother to his own devices, only coming to him with healing needs. She slept around, fucked anyone that she wanted. But him. He changed everything. She didn't know how to love, how to even begin to let herself be truly happy. But she was ready to try.


Art by endless-adventure

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.