Sympathy was an icky emotion, and sometimes she wasn't a fan of it. When her friend had told her that his mother had passed away, she had been sympathetic towards him - no doubt about that. At the time she couldn't imagine how she would feel and carry on with her life if her own mother had left. Sure, her father had left, but he had never been a huge part of her life. Though also at the time, she felt...bad. She felt like she shouldn't have a mother, like it wasn't fair for her to have one and for her friend to lose one. In those sympathetic situations, she wanted to do more, help her friend, though all she could do was feel sorry. When the roles are reversed, she didn't want him to apologise. It wasn't his fault. He had nothing to do with this. It wasn't his problem, nor was it a drastic dilemma. She could cope with it, she was strong. "I have," she admitted in a soft voice. "Not that I have many of them left." An awkward chuckle escaped her lips as she cast her gaze to the ground.