
What do you want



9 Years
Athena I
04-10-2016, 12:43 AM

Leo crossed Fiori's border and made his way further into the delta that made up the land neighboring his own. For the first time since Svetlana's disappearance he wasn't out here specifically looking for her. That was something that was always at the back of his mind now, but his mission today was much more focused on Fiori. Those were his only two focuses these days, Fiori and Svetlana. And his children and family of course, but for him that was simply a given. He took a winding path through the delta, following the twists and turns of the branching river that tore through the area.

What he was here for today was to see what kind of wildlife and prey made their home here. He knew that this place had been the home of a pack once before so he was sure it was habitable, but he wanted to compare it to the hot springs that currently made up half of their territory. He hadn't wanted to move the pack at all when he took it over from his mother just to avoid bothering her, but it had worried him for a while now that they had half of their land taken up by an area that wasn't all that helpful. The water wasn't drinkable, prey didn't linger there much. It was lovely and great for relaxing, but not much else. That's why he was here, accessing the other lands around the mangroves.

He hummed thoughtfully and looked around, his sapphire gaze glancing from the trees that spotted the strips of more solid land between the strips of river. There seemed to be a wide variety of birds and he imagined there must be fish here as well. It could be an option...

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