
You're a masterpiece

Katja the First


8 Years
04-11-2016, 10:57 AM

Her pups were nine months old now, entering their third season of life and nearing their adult heights. They were no longer children, and were well past ready to begin formal training. Though they'd received informal instruction in self defense and religion (Alfrun was hopeless in the first, though the other children seemed to have the knack for it) winter was fast approaching in the north. There was already snow on the ground, and life would only get more difficult for the small pack from here out. Pups in this life could not afford to be coddled. Yet, there were so few warriors and healers to train them. It was a frustrating conundrum, and one that would probably require her to coordinate with other packs in order to solve it. But that was a problem for another time. There was time yet before she need call the pack together for the vetrnátta blót, and the season's þing, time she would spend with her children individually to guide them towards choosing what they wished to do when the time came to choose a specialty. Instead of calling for her eldest pups first, she chose to call to her her next-youngest daughter Asvor. Of all of them Asvor had proven the boldest and most mischievous of the group, rivaled only by Raesa in her own boldness, and seemed inclined to find ways to amuse herself that were not always appropriate when she was bored. The rebellious one of the litter, perhaps you could say - taking more after her blood-sire's father and grandsire than any of the others. As she had once thought of Stori and Eisleif, competition was good to push pups and adults alike to excel, but there were times when an individual touch was called for. It would do the volatile Asvor good to not feel the need to compete so fiercely for attention for the time.

So, moving away from main living area of the pack into the lesser used of their lands, the mountain at the southernmost edge of their lands, she lifted her sharp-boned face to the sky and called for Asvor to join her there.
