
a þing of splendor

Katja the First


8 Years
04-11-2016, 04:34 PM

She watched as the various pairs arrayed themselves and began their battles. Some fought better than others, and her eyes narrowed in keen thoughtfulness as she watched, but she could not watch for long, as she had to test Laufey herself momentarily. She let the spars go on for some few minutes before calling out easily, "Very well, that is enough." They would break apart or they would not, if they heard her or if they were too deep into the spar. Either way, she already knew what she needed. And a short time later, as she broke apart from the spar with Laufey, she was pleased to have learned his skill as well.

Panting - how could she not? He was much younger and larger than she and had given her more than a run for her money - she leaped back up onto her perch. She dipped her head to Laufey first, then gravely said to the pack, "Laufey has proven himself worthy to bear the rank of annarr Stallari. Laufey, you may meet with Kapra later and decide among yourselves how to split Yfir among your bands. Report to me your decisions." She turned her attention to the would-be thegns. "Harekr, you have proven yourself worthy of the rank of thegn, if you wish to swear the oath to it, or hirdhmadhr if you do not wish to. Lyndvarr, you too have proven yourself capable in battle - treat the wounds of your packmates and you have earned your right as either hirdha if you wish to swear the oath or fostru if you do not wish to swear. Joker." She turned her eyes to the dark female. "I am not satisfied that you are ready to take the rank of a warrior. Work with the thegn, attend training, continue to spar on your own and try another time if you still seek a rank among the thegn." And to Stori, who had not performed as eagerly as she would have hoped for a potential student, she spoke sternly - "Though you have not had formal training, there are certain traits we look for in potential dreng. It is a great honor to be a student of the thegn, and were you not your father's son you might have been turned away today. It is on sufferance that you are being accepted as a dreng, in the hopes that you will live up to the example provided you. You will need to work very hard to prove worthy of this chance you have been given." Her gaze roamed the faces before her thoughtfully before picking from among them. "Laufey, until we have more thegn ready to mentor, you will continue to train Stori."

She dipped her head to them all in dismissal, then hopped down again to await Lyndvarr to treat the wounds of her pack before she would approach him herself.


OOC: anyone who did not reply to their spar I assumed to have defaulted and lost, though since the spars were not begun the defaults are not "official" defaults. Those who replied last to each spar are assumed to have won. Sorry it took me so long to reply to this, I didn't realize I had not actually posted. No need to reply to this again unless you actually want to.