
Shit happens



6 Years

04-11-2016, 09:57 PM

As Esarosa roamed the quiet valley, ebony paws carrying her with less fervor than usual, she could feel the emptiness that had taken over the emerald valley. It was just like when she'd first arrived here in the dead of winter, before it had been claimed. It had seemed so peaceful back then, but as she'd grown to enjoy pack life and get to know her pack mates, it now felt desolate without them here. How had they all become so distant and broken apart in just a few short seasons? Where had her pack mates gone? Where was Steel, and Itri, Mithras and his family? A sad and lonesome sigh escaped her lips. She'd been so sure that pack life wasn't for her, but now that she'd lived it, she was certain she didn't wish to return to her old life.

Dull green eyes stared at the grassy floor as she paced along slowly. The overcast sky reflected the dreary feeling that clung to her, and the rain had come just in time to wash away the fading scents of Argead. It all felt so final. Sighing again, she slowed to a stop, her gaze lifting from the ground, hoping that she might actually see someone. And she did. It wasn't who she'd expected to see, but she was glad to see Valentina's obvious frame in the near distance.

Though her heart still felt heavy, she broke into a run, wishing to close the distance between herself and her friend as quickly as possible. What if she was imagining it, and Val's form vanished into thin air, like everyone else had? Panting as she approached, she forced a smile, her tail offering a wave. "Val!" she called out as she came within hearing range, "You made it!" At last she closed the gap, her tail now drooping as she prepared to say out loud that Argead had dissolved into nothing, if it wasn't already obvious. "But... Argead's broken up," she murmured with a growing frown, "I don't know what happened; everyone's just gone..." She had hoped to meet Valentina here to introduce her to the pack, but those hopes had been dashed and right now she just couldn't see the bright side.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]