
I seem to be lacking Vitamin U



2 Years
04-11-2016, 11:32 PM

He was almost always up during the evening? Well, this was new. She had thought Tiburtius was like her. Sleep from dusk til dawn, like puppies with their mothers. But it seemed he was different.. and that was okay. Maybe she was the weird one in this pair. The thought made her smile gently and she leaned in closer to her big blue friend, his heat mingling with hers and warming her up. If she were a cat she'd be purring a lot. Instead she stood silent, her breathes slow and her eyes ready to slide shut. Not from exhaustion, but peace. Even though Tiburtius' voice could probably very easily loll her to sleep... she wasn't going to ask him to talk and talk until she passed out on him.

Besides, she wanted to savor this moment with him. They were both awake, they both missed each other, and she was ready to spend this night with him one way or the other. The setting wasn't too bad either. Seemed romantic enough, even though Arivae wasn't to be known as your friendly neighborhood sap. When he nuzzled into her neck she shivered slightly, her heart picking up the pace. An obvious sign that she was feeling better and that she was totally recovered from her illness. If only Tiburtius could hear it. Actually no... that'd be embarrassing. He kissed her head and she felt her whole body warm up. Despite all the affection they shared, good golly gosh she loved his touches. They still made her want to grin and giggle like a lovestruck puppy. "I've missed you, too.." She said softly, moving her head so she could press her nose into his neck. She kissed and nuzzled him and almost naturally moved up til she reached his shoulder blade. There, she planted once last kiss onto his soft fur and leaned as close as she could get to him.

He was so soft and warm.. who wouldn't want to be right there beside him? Luckily for her she was special. She could have all the Tiburtius she wanted.. of course, if he allowed it. She'd sit here and love on him all day if she could. Unfortunately the world didn't work they way.. they only had tonight to cuddle before they had to return to pack duties. There were of course other nights they could do this but that was later. It was their time now. She reached up and placed a very gentle, yet teasing nip on his chin, and then returned to nuzzling into his shoulder and neck. She didn't have much else to say.. she missed him. She had missed him so much and she loved him so much. Yeah... "I love you." She whispered into him, the movement of her tail slowing down a bit until it only swayed gently.

"Talk" "You" Think