

Medusa i


5 Years
06-12-2013, 10:13 PM

Medusa did not understand their relationship, but she wasn?t certain that she wanted to. All she knew was that this was her vixen, and somebody had tried to hurt her, and that somebody was still within the lands. The woman spoke and Medusa sighed. ?My dear, I merely meant you aren?t like me,? she told her, before silently realizing she might as well have told the woman why she was in such a condition. With that speech and her wounds it might be obvious. The wounds on her neck were from the too-tight grasp of jaws that had torn into the skin when she?d struggled to try to get away. The bruises and scrapes upon her stomach were marks where she?d been mounted, and beaten to ensure she hadn?t come away with offspring. It hadn?t been necessary; Medusa would have taken care of that herself. The rest of it came along with being a captive; the emaciated frame from a lack of eating, the matted fur from a lack of ability to care for herself. It was not likely that Jupiter could tell all this from what she?d said, but the fact that she?d been raped would be made obvious.
She believed her russet vixen when she spoke of getting rid of the male?s balls. Good. If he would try to taint what Medusa?s heart felt so possessive of, then he didn?t deserve to live, or to have anything to identify him as male. She closed her eyes for a moment after her confession, not wishing to see Jupiter?s reaction. The Sol?s words made the vixen open up her lids, looking upon the woman with confusion. ?I do not deserve it. I will only hurt you, my Sol, and I?m afraid I have to turn your offer away, even though I want it more than anything in the world,? she explained, retracting her limb and placing it upon the ground. She could not take the woman?s heart when she lacked one herself; she could not ruin her obsession in such a way.
The mood lightened somewhat, and the midnight mistress chuckled. ?When you go headhunting, I will go to the battlegrounds and summon his bitch to a fight. That way she and the rest of the pack will not interfere,? she said. It was a good plan to protect her ruler, and perhaps a bit odd of her, but Medusa could not see herself doing anything else. ?If I should win I will be out of your fur. I will leave you to your family, to your life. You stand a chance to be happy, and I could never rob you of that. I am a snake after all; I?ll only bite and strangle and kill. You are a sun, and you deserve somebody better,? she explained. Her voice was somber, her expression remorseful, but she was adamant about this. Jupiter had pups and a life of domesticity, and she could find anybody else in the lands to make her happy. Medusa was not that person; she emotionally belonged to the vixen, but she did not want to taint her. Separation was, therefore, the best option.