
New Member Checklist



04-12-2016, 12:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2019, 09:28 AM by Nyx.)
New Member Checklist

Having trouble deciding where to start in the guidebook and just want to jump right into roleplaying? Follow this handy checklist to get you started!

1. It may be helpful to read the Getting Started page to read about Ardent's unique features.

2. Have you read the General Rules yet? If not, now's the time to do it!

2. Ready to make a character? Read the Character Creation Guidelines. You can also check the Gemstore Items Guide for examples of what needs to be paid for. Feel free to ask a staff member for help if you're lost!

3. Register an account with your character's name. If you've accidentally made an account with your player name, or the wrong character name, post in Maintenance for help and a staff member will get it changed for you.

4. Fill out your character's profile using the User CP link in the upper left of your screen.

5. Once you are ready, copy the Character Acceptance Form.

6. Then post your completed form in the Character Approval Forum.

7. Wait for your character to be accepted by staff before you start roleplaying. If your app disappears from character acceptance don't be alarmed! It has probably been accepted and moved to the archives. Check the Player Database to see if your name has been added.

8. If you're bored and want to get started before you're accepted, feel free to dive into plotting with other members and coming up with ideas! Post on the plotting board or reply to other members' posts there!

9. Once you're ready to post, go for it! If you're open for anyone joining you, make sure you fill out a form in the All Welcome Threads board, and make sure to appropriately tag your thread as "AW" (All Welcome)!