
Are You A Saint Or A Sinner? [M]


06-12-2013, 10:19 PM
Fuck damn her! The little tease. His blood boiled, thundering through his veins as adrenaline spiked through his system. Damn her, how he wanted to just take her! She needed to be taught who was really in control. She was a woman, but he was the man. He held the power. He was so much bigger than her and a force to be reckoned with. She was to submit to his whims, not the other way around. He tortured others for fun but did not appreciate torture being dished out to him in return, especially not the kind that his darling little sister had in mind. The damn wench. He wanted to rip into her, to make her cry out in pain as he forced himself on her, as he dominated her and proved that he was the more superior of the two. She would learn. One day she would learn.

She would growl at his touch, fighting his hold on her scruff. Her fight didn't last long, his teeth having released her as she reminded him who exactly he was dealing with. But before he could get into a unbreakable hold, the little bitch moved around him, her movements quick as she struck towards him, canines taking ahold of his throat, exactly at his jugular. He was torn between rage that she was retaliating against him and the burning need that was pounding between his hips. Her teeth did not pierce his skin, but she merely added pressure, using his weak spot against him before dancing away to safe distance, well away from his striking distance. The little succubus. She began to circle him, furthering the taunting at her retaliation. You want a game? came her silky challenge, followed by a hard nip to his haunch. He could feel her dagger pierce his flesh, drawing blood. Oh now he was heated. His blood was like liquid fire inside his veins, cyan pools raging. This little bitch.

But before he could turn around to get a hold of her she bolted, her smaller and lither frame sprinting across the darkened shore, carrying her away from him. Demyan snarled in frustration, whipcord lashing dangerously in frustration, the steel cords of muscles protruding against his grey pelt. He wanted to chase after her so badly, but he knew it would be a futile chase. He was built for fight, not flight, where are she was for flight rather than fight. No, he would not give in to her little game. He would go to her, she would come to him. He would teach her to obey him, whether she wanted to or not. The giant hellion stood his ground, frame tense with pent up frustration, waiting to see how long it would take his sister to realize that he had not given chase.