
Disasters Abroad



7 Years
Extra large

04-12-2016, 08:10 PM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2016, 08:11 PM by Lark.)
Why did things have to be so damn difficult? It seemed like his family couldn't catch a break. There was always something causing problems, no matter who or what the scenario. Nothing had turned out like he had expected. Lark had always imagined that he and his siblings would grow to be an unstoppable force, a family to be respected and feared throughout the lands - surely some wolves respected them, but not as many as he wished. His sister had been poisoned, and he was no closer to being the ruler his father envisioned him to be. He sighed as he considered these things, his heart heavy with each step he took forward.

Lark, not expecting her touch, flinched slightly as she bumped into him. As soon as he realized it was her, his posture relaxed slightly as he turned and aimed to look at her. Her question took him a bit by surprise. Lark wasn't one to talk about his feelings. It wasn't something they spent a lot of time discussing. Hell, even he didn't always know what was going on in his head. Feeling a bit agitated, only slightly, his brow furrowed and his mouth tightened as he glanced away. "I'm pissed off," he offered finally, plainly, though his deep voice was laced with frustration he couldn't deny. "I can't believe my mom thinks it's okay to leave and come back whenever she wants, and act like nothing has changed. She's so fucking selfish." His pace slowed, but only a bit, and his gaze fixed on the ground at his forepaws as he sighed. He didn't know if that was what Lillie was expecting to hear, but it was how he felt, and she'd asked for it.