
Grasping at straws



10 Years
Extra large
04-12-2016, 08:41 PM
How the hell had he ended up in this scenario? He asked himself this, over and over, as he swam toward a mass of land in the nearing distance. A swim had seemed like a grand idea, but no less than halfway through his journey, he realized the distance to the island was quite a bit further than he had anticipated. His thick coat suddenly felt as though it was pulling him down toward the ocean fur. Huffing, he'd continue on - his crimson gaze set on the land mass ahead of him. He had no doubt he'd make it there, but it didn't stop him from feeling a bit annoyed at his decision, an emotion that was rare of the tusked beast.

He felt immense relief when his paws hit solid ground, and quickly he would pull himself inland. It took a few solid, fierce shakes to rid most of the water from his thick gray coat, and he huffed in faint irritation as he did so. His decisions were usually always good ones, but this one.. maybe not so much.

His spirit lightened a bit as he finally brought his head up and let himself get a look at the island. It was quite vast, and lovely too. A wide range of sand spread before him, though in the distance he spotted some sparse vegetation and clusters of trees. Though the sun was high overhead, the ocean brought in a crisp breeze, making the day quite pleasant if not a bit cool. His attitude would shift as he made his way across the beach, catching the scent of a stranger. Hey, maybe he wasn't the only idiot who had thought swimming across the sea was a good idea! Grinning to himself, he would trail after the scent, tail swinging in a wide arch behind him as the stranger came into view. "Hello there!" he'd call out, his deep voice jovial, tinged with an audible northern accent. "I'm glad to see I'm not the only one crazy enough to swim out here."