



7 Years
04-13-2016, 08:59 PM

She had been fretting over the lingering threat of sickness, stocking up on everything while she still had. There were wolves dropping left right and center, but so far there had been no calls for her here. Not until Arivae's howl sounded. Amalia's heart dropped in her chest as she grabbed her pre-packed bundle of herbs that she had prepared for this. Racing towards the sound of her howl, she panted as she looked between the black female and Razor. She could tell just by looking at him that he was sick, his breathing ragged. Drawing in a deep breath, her dark blue eyes stayed concerned as she put on her healer's face. She knew that Arivae was an inspiring healer, and she would use this chance to teach her. Plus, she could use the help. Dropping her bundle on the ground, she opened it up and set to work. "Arivae, go and grab some water into this bowl. Come back and soak these dried elderberries in it, it will make it easier to swallow with his sore throat," she said, handing a crudely made bowl composed of a skull of a beaver. She had placed a large stick through the eye sockets so that it could be carried with ease. Turning back to the pale boy, she nuzzled his cheek softly. He was warm, she could feel his fever rising. "Open you mouth love, let me see your throat." She said softly. If it had been rubbed raw by coughing, she had some honey to soothe his pain.

Amalia turned to her bundle, grabbing watercress and some bonset. She also grabbed a smaller bundle within the large leaf, containing the precious honeycombs. "Does it hurt to swallow too much, Razor? If so I can mash these herbs and mix it with water, that way it won't stick to your throat." That is when she allowed a whine to slip from her mouth, her forehead resting on his own. She knew it was viral, but she had been eating elderberries herself to give her immune system a boost. She couldn't get sick, she needed to help her pack.
