
Oh, stand by me



9 Years
04-14-2016, 11:46 PM

With the feel of Soleil's shoulder leaning into his still tingling in his body, Xephyris would request the presence of his new leader in a private meeting, after the wolves now known as Myriad dispersed to their new home land. He beckoned to Riv with an obvious flick of his tail, the gorgeous woman stuck to his side as though they were one being. Once he was sure they'd found a quiet place to talk, he would turn to face the Kotetsu, dipping his head in thanks for the young man's time. "Riv, this is Soleil," he began in a low rumble, looking from the duo-hued eyes of his leader, to the woman that had captivated him, silver eyes becoming locked onto her, "I met her when we were in the East. She can't speak English, yet. She speaks French. She... doesn't know this yet, but I intend to claim her as mine." He finally ripped his gaze away from the beauty, looking back to Riv. The young male must know what he meant, as he had just recently decided upon Zephyra as his own mate.

Xephyris was completely infatuated with Soleil. She was beautiful, she was foreign, exotic in a way. A mystery to be uncovered. He may have an appreciation for all women, but this one had completely captured him. "Please, allow her to stay here in Myriad," he asked gracefully with a dip of his head, "I will ensure that she learns the language, at least to a basic degree, and help her settle in and become an asset to the pack. I don't wish to be without her." Then he would look back to Soleil, his gaze seeking out her captivating turquoise eyes. He felt badly that she couldn't understand what he was saying. He didn't like talking about her right in front of her, without her knowing what he was saying. But in a way it was also exciting. There was still so much left for them to find out about each other. Now he would look back to Rivaxorus II, hoping the young man would grant her passage in Myriad.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]