
Your sins into me

Bright Moon


6 Years
04-15-2016, 02:54 AM
As she approached the male and spoke to him, she could see him freezing up, just as wary of her as she was of him. It posed questions in her mind. What reason did a large, powerful man such as himself have to fear? But perhaps he had been through things she would never know. Yet after his clear discomfort, he still made an effort to ease her tension by bringing his great form closer to the ground. And so, Bright Moon would seat herself carefully, also wishing to show she was no threat. She would never mean harm upon another soul that hadn't shown her ill intent.

When he first spoke, she was glad to hear that she was not intruding - the male's eyes fell to the ground as he continued. She nodded in agreement, glad he agreed that these lands were free, unclaimed, like most of the continent. Anyone could pass through here. She tilted her head curiously as he stated he didn't like staying in one place too long, but she wouldn't get a chance to ask as he posed a question first.

"Yes, I'm a pack wolf," she said, confirming his guess; then she realized she should clarify which pack she was in, "I'm from Fiori, our home is not far from here." As her silver eyes grazed over the male, she thought that he looked lonely. His scent didn't carry any traces of anyone else. But perhaps he was used to being that way. "Where are you from?" she would ask, instead of asking why he was alone, "Do you wander here often?" She wondered if he would have a story to tell, or maybe he would prefer to keep his personal information to himself.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]