
Make me burn



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-15-2016, 06:45 AM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2016, 07:47 PM by Epiphron.)

The silence that permeated the plains was deafening. Once a place brimming with life, the changing of seasons had made this place far more barren than she was accustomed to. A regular hunting ground for when prey was not wandering through the Mangrove forest, she was used to slipping away from Fiori's lands toward the plains. The grass had grown much less verdant - still standing tall, but now turned brown and lifeless. They seemed to crunch as she padded through the tall grasses, rather than swaying and partying with the pattern she was used to. It was likely that some prey might be here still, hanging on to the last hope of food until winter came, but it was not nearly as plentiful as it had been weeks ago.

Letting out a breath of air, she continued on, head hanging low as her nose flared to take in the scents of the land. A male was nearby, though not close enough to spot right away. It seemed a hare had passed through recently as well. Picking up on the latter scent, she continued forward, parting the dry grass as she moved. Epiphron only noticed Quelt when she was far too close for comfort - standing a few yards away. His dark fur was easily seen through the foliage, and her posture would stiffen involuntarily as she scoped him out. Though he didn't immediately strike her as a threat, it was better to be safe rather than sorry.