
till dawn



10 Years
Extra large
04-15-2016, 07:43 AM
Aki's felt honored that his cousin was coming to him about such important things. It was strange for them both to be in unfamiliar lands, and he swore he felt Duvka's presence grow a touch more solemn at their musings. It had been some time since he'd had such a spiritual conversation - most wolves here were curious, and some had asked questions, but they did not feel the spirits as he did, in each blade of grass and in each gust of wind that tousled his fur.

Duvka's thoughts were darker than he anticipated. He doubted the existence of the gods? Aki did not, but he felt he could relate nonetheless. "Saanen kysyä teiltä,", he would start wistfully, briefly turning his head from Duvka to examine the vast expanse of land before them. The ice seemed hauntingly desolate, but beautiful in its starkness. If anywhere, perhaps he could find solace here - in the dancing lights in the sky, a view that few saw in all their lives. "Jos jumalat eivät olleet totta, olisi edelleen elää kuin teet nyt?" They lived simple but fulfilling lives, focused firstly on survival and secondly on self-sustenance. Their culture had always taught them to love freely and to squeeze everything out of life they possible could. "Olet vielä Duvka Jarvela," he explained gently, dipping his tusked skull as he fixed his gaze on his kin again. "Ehkä olet yksinkertaisesti etsivät väärästä paikasta löytää ne. Jumalat ovat olemassa yhtä voimakkaasti hymyn muukalainen kuten he tekevät nämä valot täällä," he suggested, gesturing with his snout to the sky.