
take it day by day



7 Years

04-15-2016, 12:20 PM
He stayed mostly quiet... though he did look confused by her insistence that he had not really been sleeping. But again, he was sick - even if just for the time being, and utterly exhausted. even a few moments would feel like forever, then; she knew, because she had felt that before. Oh goodness had she. And then there were the days where one would fall asleep for hours and hours and hours and it seemed you woke up only minutes later. Those were especially disorienting and confusing - you woke up not knowing if it was the next day or not! It as why she was more than okay with leaving if he wanted her to.

... which he didn't? Surprise flashed through her eyes as he shrugged... and said she should stay? Not even a 'you-can-if-you-want' but a 'you should'. That was... not the reaction she was expecting. At all. Not one bit. She opened her mouth to almost protest - to see if he was certain, but then, slowly, she closed her jaws, nodding slowly. Very well. She'd play along; she didn't exactly want to leave anyways. "Alright," she murmured, the shock slowly fading from her eyes. An impulse struck her, and she paused - to act on that impulse, or not? She... wasn't sure how that impulse would be received? Oh gods, she didn't want to screw things up. But... impulse. She wanted to act on that damn impulse... but she was too awake and her mind too active and anxious. Instead, she scooted forward a little, as subtle as she could. She stretched out, yawning, and resisting the urge to flick her ears back against her head as her paws overlapped Lark's, simply due to the stretch. When the stretch concluded, her paws scooted back under her - for the most part, anyways, but a part still overlapped if Lark had not jerked his paws away.
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.