
Pop goes the weasel



5 Years
04-16-2016, 12:02 AM

He grinned sheepishly as she rolled her eyes at him and pawed his shoulder playfully. She was the expert after all so he was content to let her lead the way since he was definitely new to this. He was ready to try and learn how to do this. He was so late on all his lessons whereas both Lykos and Dragon got to experience it all. He had to admit he was a little bit jealous. He knew it wasn't their fault he was sick but he couldn't help but envy they all had gotten to do while he'd been inside all day and night barely able to move.

"This way, dear. Towards the barn. There's plenty of prey there to be caught."

She padded off in the direction of the barn and Kharnage followed his mother with a fair amount of boisterous energy. It felt like ages before they arrived (though he'd never admit he was being very impatient) and she stopped by the barn. He slowed then stopped beside her as he viewed what their options were. He was smart enough to know that the horses and cows would probably be off limits right now. Something that large was bound to get away since he had no experience. He stood and retained the thoughtful look on his face until he decided.

"Can we try one of the chickens? I heard they're fast." He said with a playful grin. A good game of chase was always fun and it'd make learning how to hunt very exciting. Or at least he hoped it would.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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