
Are You A Saint Or A Sinner? [M]


06-12-2013, 11:47 PM
She was fucking drug to him. The most powerful and the most potent. He was hooked so hard on her that there was no way in hell that he would ever contemplate giving her up. Giving her up meant that she would be at the mercy and disposal of other bastards and merely the thought sent bile rising into his throat, stoking the raging fire in his core. No bastard that wasn't him was going to make a single pass at Cataleya. It was not allowed, unpermitted, completely forbidden. He would torture the fucking shit out of the son of a bitch that thought even for a second he could lay with his sister. He would make sure that no one else but him would touch her.

After several moments it seemed his darling sibling finally realized that he had never given chase, but instead held his ground, allowing his burning cyan gaze to trail after her. She slowed her pace, coming to a stop halfway down the beach, turning as she noticed that he hadn't fallen into her little game. He could the see the smirk twisting her devious lips, causing another snarl to twist his features in frustration. Giving up already? She taunted from a distance, prancing around like she was a fucking queen. Her laughter didn't help the situation, instead only aggravating him even more, strengthening his desire to take her right then and there, her heat be damned. If she conceive spawn of his he would eradicate them no problem. He didn't want seed from him running around. Children were useless and always got in the way. They were nothing but a waste of breath for Demyan and he wouldn't hesitate to rid himself of them.

She retraced her steps back to him, just like he knew she would, stopping before him, her hot gaze fixing itself with his as she caressed his chin, trying to soothe him. It didn't work, merely enraging the fire burning between his hips, making him that much more desperate to bury himself inside of her and give him what they both needed, but she didn't want to carry his spawn. Then stop fucking teasing me. If you know I can't, then restrain yourself because if you keep at it, I will fucking take you right here and now, your fucking heat be damned. he growled threateningly, his baritones husky rumbles as he felt her tug at his ear, her body rubbing against his own, her heady scent filling his nostrils. Demyan craned his neck around to look at Cataleya, the desire in his cyan windows unbridled and fierce. He wanted to fuck her and he wanted to fuck her now.