
Take me somewhere new



6 Years

04-17-2016, 01:48 AM

Esarosa had spent most of the day wandering the empty lands that had once belonged to Argead, now completely abandoned. It feels so lonely, so dead, the melancholy words floated through her head, Did everyone leave on purpose? The sky was overcast, an ugly gray cover that blotted out the sun and let a light drizzle dampen the lands. Now the sun had set, yet no stars were to be seen this night. Despite the darkness, one could still make their way without tripping, as the willows were lit by fire flies. The sounds of pond creatures filled the air around her - frogs, crickets and buzzing insects made their presence known. She found her surroundings actually quite intriguing, and if she were in a better mood, it might have actually set a smile upon her face. However, loneliness had dulled her enjoyment of pretty much everything; she wasn't even interested in catching frogs right now, even though their croaking rang through the air.

As she meandered aimlessly, she pause as she looked through the draping willow tendrils. Was that just a shadow cast by the blinking insects and the trees, or was something moving through the night? Emerald eyes squinted slightly as she tried to determine exactly what she was seeing. A flash of red eyes made her realize there was another wolf parting its way through the willows. Somewhat hesitantly, Esa moved toward the figure, following the glowing fire flies as they lit the way. Having spent too much time around here without seeing anyone, she wasn't going to pass up this opportunity to possibly find someone she knew, even if she felt a little nervous. She doubted the being would have noticed her, as her ebony pelt cloaked her well as she stood in one place - her only option was to catch up and find out who it was.

She followed the tracks of the dark figure for a moment, before calling out. "Wait up!" her voice rang above the busy sounds of life near the pond. She trotted at a good pace until she had caught up with the shadowy figure, and only then did it strike her that she knew his scent. "Steel!" Esarosa exclaimed in surprise, "I didn't think I'd see you here. But I'm so glad..." Her words trailed off for a silent moment. Relief filled her, knowing that she'd found a friend - she wasn't alone anymore, and neither would he be. But that they didn't have a home anymore caused the woman great distress. Not knowing what to say or how to feel, or what to do next, she sought out his gaze in the blinking light, wondering how he had fared through this sudden change.
"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]