
interruptions [vriska]


06-13-2013, 12:12 AM

lie lie lie

385 words. VRISKA tagged. notes: He's so confused. lol.

The female wolf giggled at his response and the very sound of it disgusted him. He couldn't help thinking how strange she was, but that was beside the point, seeing as how he himself was rather strange. An untamed part of him wanted to yell at her, Don't laugh at me!, and tear her face with his teeth. He'd forgotten that part of him when his personality shifted but sometimes it reared its head again.

Tyberius wondered if she was part of a pack and hoped that she wasn't looking to join Amenti. She wasn't fun to annoy, she just accepted all of his words and turned them into conversation. He ignored much of what she had to say (nothing of which concerned him directly) and didn't care enough to cover up that fact. Tyberius was on the fence about surviving. In a way, he was determined to live, if only to show his brother he was good enough. In another, he didn't care all that much about living. Not much to live for.

To his surprise, the female wolf continued to talk. He rolled his eyes at her and yawned to show his boredom. "Thanks, mom," he said, trying once again to taunt her. She had not yet entertained him and he was beginning to wonder if she even would. "You talk a lot for a boring hag. If you don't leave soon, I'll have no choice but to break your other leg. Your choice of which one," he replied dryly. The female seemed to be on guard but Tyberius didn't move a muscle. It was an empty threat for the most part, although he was starting to fantasize about biting her hard enough to draw blood. Maybe then she'd leave. Or attack him. Either one would be better than the boring 'mom-talks' she was currently giving him.

Contrary to anything he might say, Tyberius was feeling a bit uncomfortable around the female. She could, if not match him, bore him into wanting to get away from her. Maybe that meant she was winning this time. At any rate, he would try not to care. He would force down any feelings and change them to malice. Or at least try to. She didn't seem like she would be affected all that greatly by it.

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