
I seem to be lacking Vitamin U



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-17-2016, 02:26 AM

Even though it was pretty much a known fact at this point that they always missed each other when they weren't together, but it still made a little part of him happy to hear her say it. It made him feel like his wanting after her wasn't for naught, that she cared for him as much as he cared for her. His tail brushed against the ground behind him as she started giving him her own nuzzles and kisses, making his whole body feel like it was humming. A smile lingered on his lips, his body curving slightly to hold her better against his side as she continued to lean into him more. She was so small and delicate, but he loved that about her. He wanted to curl around her and keep her safe for as long as they lived.

Each little kiss she gave him made the smallest shiver tingle down his spine. Her affections were so addictive, he wished they never had to stop this moment they were in right now. He knew it had to end eventually. They had to get back to their daily lives and new days would come and go. They'd have plenty more moments like this if he had anything to say about it, but for now he wanted this one to last as long as possible. A grin tugged at his lips at her playful nip, his gaze turning down to look at her. "I love you too," he replied softly, pure sincerity in his tone and his gaze. He loved his blue eyed girl so much. He understood the way his mothers looked at each other now that he had Arivae.

He tipped his chin down to kiss the top of her head once again, giving her a few more gentle licks across her ears as well. He really didn't have much of a frame of reference for how relationships were normally supposed to go. His mothers had become mates and gotten married after he was born and even then he was too young to really understand how that whole thing worked. He didn't know if there were certain things that were supposed to happen before other stuff or what protocols he was supposed to follow. He only knew that he loved Arivae more than anything else. For someone that cared about his family more than his own life that was saying a lot. A thought passed through his head and before he could really process it he let the words pass his lips. "Arivae... Would you want to marry me?" he asked softly, his gaze lingering on her curiously. He knew she had been at Leo and Svetlana's wedding so she would know what he was talking about at least, but he was really more worried over what she would say. Was that crossing a boundary? He didn't know.
