
Your sins into me

Bright Moon


6 Years
04-17-2016, 03:04 PM
Bright watched the man's expression as he sort of mumbled to himself, that Fiori seemed familiar. She tilted her head, wondering what connection he had to her home land, or perhaps someone within it. Leo and Amalia seemed to have many relatives and connections to the wolves all over the continent - she wouldn't be surprised if he knew them. Her nervousness about him had begun to wane, although she always held to caution when meeting someone new, no matter what. Anyone could turn in the blink of an eye if it suited them.

Her black-tipped ears flicked as he divulged a small portion of his reasons for being here, leaving much untold. It was obvious in the way he seemed not to know where he was from, vaguely stating that he'd recently become a loner. His words left mystery hanging. Curiosity tugged at her, but it was then she realized she hadn't even asked for his name, nor had she offered her own. She mustn't pry into his secret life without even knowing who he was. Besides, his words ended in mentioning all he could do was wonder when his next meal would come - she could help with that!

"I'm a hunter," she mentioned abruptly, awkwardly although with a soft tone, "I can help you catch something filling before I return home. My name's Bright Moon, by the way. What's yours?" She wondered if he would tell her, or allow her to help him at all. Some wolves were too proud to accept help - but she worried that his man might be at a disadvantage, with a missing eye and many scars to prove he'd not been treated kindly in this life.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]