
Kitties and curiosity



9 Years
04-17-2016, 04:40 PM

His ears swiveled as he paused to listen for any sign of movement, or any returning noise. As a growl rumbled back at him, he knew for certain there was someone close by, but the echoes of the cave made it impossible to tell exactly where. His tail flicked irritably, eyes searching the darkness futilely. He took several pawsteps, only to brush against a stalagmite, causing his hackles to bristle and lips to curl back - for a moment he thought he might have bumped directly into the wolf he'd been trailing. He wasn't going to find the wolf like this, and even if he did, there would be no use in the pitch black of this cave. Determining that it was best to stay in one spot for now, he kept close to the stalagmite formation, another growl escaping him in frustration. It would have been better to meet this wolf in broad daylight, but that was not the case, so he'd have to make due.

"Imperium wolf..." Xephyris rumbled into the darkness, knowing the man could hear him, "What brings you to the East? A little far from your kingdom, aren't you?" Again, his ears would swivel, his head turning slowly as he tried to figure out where the other man was. Would his eyes ever adjust to the gloom of this cave? Was it even possible? He hoped so, for he wished to see who he was talking to, so he could look him in the eyes. Although Imperium might have suited him well at one time, Xephyris could not shake the hatred he held for them, and the wolves that had enlisted their help to lay siege to his home. He would not let go of it. And he did not want to see them roaming so confidently, like they could go anywhere they pleased. This was a free land, but Xephyris felt like this man didn't belong, but maybe he was just a little biased.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]