
Little Bird



6 Years
04-17-2016, 06:55 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2016, 06:55 PM by Armai.)

Armai wasn't really one for border patrols. Sure she could smell the border just fine but in all honesty who would think that a blind wolf was intimidating. When it boiled down to a fight she would be useless so she'd let the others handle that. Instead, as the packs only healer, she decided to stock up on all the herbs she could find before winter rolled around. Already the weather was absolute crap with all the rain so she knew she'd have to work fast to get enough before everything dried up and stopped growing. At least with Nox's help she could collect the plants she needed before the sickly weather arrived.

It was the weird tinkling and jangling sound that caught her attention and drug her out in the rain. It sounded oddly close to the borders and the girl had never heard anything quite like it. Curiosity drove her to nudge Nox before she padded from her den with her companion in tow. She didn't mind the rain too much as it trickled down her coat. As she walked further the sound of someone hacking their lungs out caught her attention. It seemed to be in the same direction as where the jingly sound was coming from.

Her pace quickened as she realized someone else had beat her there. It was one of the males that had been at the meeting. At least she wouldn't be alone with the stranger, but from the coughing she heard it sounded like the someone was sick. She heard the male speak in a rough tone towards the stranger as Armai walked up, keeping her distance from Xephris yet inching towards the female he'd just questioned. The rain was clogging her senses but she could still smell the mucus that ran from the woman's nose. It seemed sickly weather was here early.

"I'd stay away from her. She's really sick and she needs to get out of the rain so I can help her."

She didn't know the woman, but judging from the serious coughing fits she was having, the mucus she could smell, and the fact she hadn't even noticed the pack border and had collapsed out here it was serious. She'd have to see if she was running a fever but that would have to be in the comfort of shelter. She'd have to be careful though, assuming her pack mate would even help, as this disease traveling through the pack would be bad news. At the very least she could quarantine the female so it wouldn't travel to anyone else hopefully.

"Will you help take her to my den?" She asked Xephris. Hopefully Riv wouldn't mind. They weren't supposed to condone trespassing, but surely there had to be exceptions?

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.