
I Need You [P]



9 Years
04-17-2016, 08:43 PM

Creed sat back and listened quietly as Surreal began to speak. He could feel the worry that she felt and he felt somewhat guilty for it. Stress wouldn't do her any good while she was pregnant and sick. Even if it was hard for her, he wanted her to be able to relax and take it easy while she got better and waited to birth her litter. He felt like he could handle things for a while until Regulus was feeling better and then ready to take over. He already had plans forming inside of his head as he thought about the packs he could go to to see if the illness was spreading. If he was able to recruit more that would be a bonus.

"Ah don' know much abou' it but Ah'm sure ye and tha rest of tha pack don' have it. Ye, Regulus, and Kavdaya seem ta be tha only one's tha' are sick though."

She'd mentioned retirement also and Regulus taking over. It was an interesting thought to think of them both being seven. It was hard to believe they'd already lived so long. She still seemed so healthy it was hard to imagine her stepping down. Of course he had no qualms with Regulus, he seemed to be an impressive young man, so him taking over wouldn't be a problem. Retirement was a whole new scary ball-field that he didn't want to think about. He'd be eight next year... That was terrifying. He hadn't settled down early like most wolves, hadn't had a mate, or children. It definitely wasn't that he didn't want any. He just hadn't found anyone to do it with. Traveling certainly hadn't allowed it.

"Aye.... S'pose retiremen' would be in mah future..." He finally said after a very delayed and thought out pause. "Hard ta believe we're gettin' old." He said with a joking grin.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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