
Your sins into me

Bright Moon


6 Years
04-17-2016, 10:04 PM
Bright focused on the man, watching as his eyes widened at her offer to help him. He looked genuinely surprised, like he hadn't expected such a gesture from a stranger. Having recently been helped by a stranger herself, she knew that a little kindness could go a long way, even if much of the world was shrouded in darkness. Nothing would bring light to the world more than a kind offering or extending a paw to help someone else. Even if he didn't really need her help, she heard him chuckle, telling her she didn't have to.

It's no trouble, really," she said, her tone soft as ever, silver eyes looking from his gaze to the ground, then to his face once more as he offered his name. A small but sure smile began to light her features. "Nice to meet you, Quelt," she said, her black-tipped tail waving, "We may be strangers now... but when strangers do nice things for each other, isn't that when they become friends?" She tilted her head, wondering what he would think. She wasn't sure why, but something about him made her want to know more, perhaps spend just a little time with him. After all, she didn't have many friends. She had pack mates that she knew she could count on, and that she would do anything for, but she didn't really know any of them.

Something about this man was intriguing. He was mysterious, but not in a way that made her nervous. Most men, in fact any man, could easily put her on edge, just for the gender they'd been born into. But the way that he tried to make himself smaller, clearly trying to make himself as minimally threatening as possible, set her at ease. It allowed her curious side to shine, as well as her kindness - something she hoped Quelt would allow her to offer him.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]