
Okay! Plottage!


04-18-2016, 08:26 PM

---Alfred Adravendi---

While submissive Alfred is a little sweetheart who wants to learn to fight to protect his remaining family and friends. He is a neutral good wolf and has anxiety so be gentle with him, 'kay?

Looking For:: Friends, Rivals, Bestie, Innocent Fun!
Not Looking For:: Trouble / Kidnapping / Maims, Crushes / Dates / Mates, New Pack

---Carletta Morales---

Carletta is my Spanish wolfess! She speaks broken English and is a rather submissive girly. I'm trying to avoid her getting in a lot of trouble if I can. She's going to be heading to Fiori soon with Serefina's babus {Ashlynn and Phoenix} and hopefully her sister Amaia.

Looking For:: Friends, Bestie, Innocent Fun!
Not Looking For:: Trouble / Kidnapping / Maims, Crushes / Dates / Mates, Rivals, Packs {Going To Fiori}

---Castiel Mathúin Adravendi---

Upon returning to Celestial Cas has been hit with some news; he’s going to be an uncle again! He’s nervous, and feeling a little out of place now that he’s back home. He’s going to need some time to readjust to everything again.

---Kaitlyn Falkenrath---

Kaitlyn was searching for Marina and Spencer. In her desperation she has become ill and is now struggling to make it back home.


A female who lives in Auster, she’s a healer in training. Naive but sweet, this girl has some growing up to do.

---Rasiel Áine Adravendi---

Loyal Celestian right here. Further plots to come but definitely lots of threads with the fambam!

---Sunniva Jarvela---

Not sure what she’s doing other than wandering. Gonna meet up with her broski again soon though.

---Vitus Armada---

Will have disappeared again after his brother’s challenge of Fiori. Perhaps in looking for the wayward siblings he got lost. He will be slowly making his way back for a family reunion {again}.

Ooc:: Please excuse my WIP of my plotting page. Took out those who are not active yet to avoid confusion and am slowing updating the other info of my babies. ;w;