
If Rain Is What You Want



3 Years
04-18-2016, 09:52 PM
He would smile and listen to her explaining that she was not hungry and that he could eat. He nodded and lied down, beginning to munch away on the slippery morsel as the bones cracked underneath his canines as he gulped down the meat. His one good eye would look to her as he gave a gentle and calming smile as he spoke calmly and curiously. "What is it like being apart of a pack, Faite? I have not been in a pack myself, only a small group which consisted of my mate and two sons. Sadly, they are gone from my life now, but I hope to find my missing son someday whether it be in this world or the next. I apologize for blurting out what was on my mind, it will not happen again," he would close his one good eye and heaved a small sigh before looking in the direction of the lake.

"Well, I guess sometimes the right path in life is not always the easiest one, but sometimes if you take that road you are bound to find something wonderful on the other side." He would smile, "My mother had told me this when I was a pup. I was always teased due to the fact I was the runt, and my brothers would always joke about it sometimes. My sister was really the only one who was willing to teach me about life, and even taught me the fishing technique you just witnessed," he would smile and looked back to her, "Well, it's good to have met someone who I could, possibly, think of as a friend. That is if you want to be friends."