
Rise and fall



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
04-19-2016, 04:29 AM

His response made her a little sad, but she was glad that he understood. "I'm sorry..." She murmured before looking at her paws. When he began to speak again, she looked at him as he told her his story. She was surprised when he said he had fallen in love with his sister, and while it was normal to some, she was never fond of the thought of mating with your own kin. It just...didn't seem right. And then the thought of having two partners at once was even more bizarre! Still, she listened quietly and wouldn't question it. It was in the past, and she didn't think it necessary really, to bring up old history.

He had children too, with his sister which was...odd. But again, she wouldn't ask. When he finished, she looked thoughtful for a moment before speaking. "It's OK you know. I'm not going to judge you. We often can't control who we fall in love with, which brings me to say that I had fallen in love with a selfish man a few years ago. Last year, we found each other after not having seen each other for three or so years...I think I was so desperate to fall in love, I rushed head first into something I had no clue about. I thought we had something...but..." She sighed, her ears lightly pinning to her head.

"After a couple of weeks of seeing each other, we became mates. And shortly after the pups were born, he disappeared...I don't know where he went, or why, but I was left to raise them on my own. I have four boys, one of whom you met. Dragon, Lykos, Gryphon, and Kharnage. They're wonderful boys, and I believeI did a fine job raising them on my own, but I wonder what could have been different if Newol had stayed." Looking at Vereux then, she frowned a little. "It's because of him that I'm afraid. I never saw myself as a single mother, I don't want it to happen again."


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