
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song


06-13-2013, 02:22 PM

Being around Song was just the best thing in the world. He couldn't compare it to anything else. Being with her...was just so right. He didn't feel like he had to try impress her or act a certain way around her. He could just be himself, sweet 'ol charming, silly self. And Song was completely fine with that. Of course he wanted her to reciprocate the feeling, to be herself and not feel like she had to put up some kind of charade. He wanted her to be comfortable around him because he was more than comfortable around her. So comfortable in fact that he honestly didn't want to spend a single moment away from her. She was already his, he just needed to make it official soon.

He listened intently, mismatched eyes on the porcelain dove in front of him as she told him about her family, how she would have been the one considered to be the bratty sister among her three brothers and how she was meant to take control over her pack one day. So I'm falling for an ex-future queen? Who woulda thought. he chuckled, glad that was able to open up about her family. So if your mother was training you to become an alpha someday, why did you leave? Did you not want to come to power? He knew he would never want to become an alpha. It was too much responsibility that came with the title. He didn't want to be responsible for the well-being of others. He only wanted to be responsible for Song's well being.

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