
The End As We Know It



5 Years
04-20-2016, 02:06 PM

She was all alone now. Voltage had vanished, as well as most of her family. But what struck her the most, what cut her the deepest, was that Voltage was gone. Her other half, her counterpart. She had been so terrified about being a mother, so against it, and she needed him the most. It wasn't like him to just up and vanish, which worried her. But she was in no condition to go and look for him, not when she looked like she was about to burst. Serefina let out a whine as she pressed up against the side of the volcano, feeling very off. Her belly ached with every step, her breath coming out more and more shallow. Something didn't feel right. Everything was too tight, too compressed. It felt like she was being squeezed from the inside, her steps staggering as she made her way around the base of the volcano. As the first contractions seized her, unbelievable pain shot through her. Serefina stopped short, feeling a small trickle of blood start to leave her. No, no no. This was not happening. Not without Voltage, not without her family. Letting out a cry of pain she fell down to her side, trying to breath through the pain. Her head rose and she looked at her hindquarters, surprised at the amount of blood that was already leaving her. Her breath hitched in her throat, something felt very, very wrong. More and more contractions ripped through her, each more painful than the last. Her ember eyes flew open wide, the puddle of blood starting to colour her back legs. It was hard to tell what was blood and what was her fiery markings now.

Serefina let out a pained howl as her muscles started to move on their own will, her legs kicking at the damp ground. A light drizzle of rain started to fall, slowly soaking into her coat. Slowly a whine left her maw, as she looked up to the sky. There was something in her mind that was telling her that she was going to die. She could have guessed too, the pups weren't even out yet and she was bleeding a lot. Ironic, she never wanted to be a mother. Now it looked like that very task would be the thing that took her life. Serefina couldn't help but let out a strangled laugh at the thought of it. She was going to be a mother, and die alone. The poor whelps wouldn't even survive. Perhaps she was saving them from this cruel world, where everyone seemed to leave when you needed them most.

occ;// Private for Keno ATM, and then opened up to family when she nears death.

"Talk" "You" Think