



7 Years
04-20-2016, 04:43 PM

Razor asked about them getting sick, and she shook her head back and forth. "Don't worry about us, dear. I have been eating elderberries since I first caught wind of this sickness, and Arivae will start to do the same. Our immune systems have to be strong as healers, it's the risk of our job. But I usually work myself sick before an actual sickness can take me down," she said softly, trying to jest with him. It was obvious that he was worried, and she felt bad that she had said anything now. But no, it would have been unfair to hide the severity of this all from him. He needed to know what his body was going through, and he couldn't really teach Arivae about it unless she spoke her truth. Taking a deep breath, she turned to the darker coated woman as she came over to inspect the herbs before her. She slowly nodded as she told them their use, head tilting to the side when she hesitated at bonset. That was a very important herb. Giving her an encouraging smile, she stepped closer to fill in for her. "It is one of the top herbs to use to help cure the cold and the flu, and it also helps ease muscle pains. With the amount of coughing, his body will be sore and tired from the effort. This will help soften his stiff muscles, as well as help combat the fever, and more cold like symptoms," she said quickly, all business during this time.

She was going to turn to Razor to start passing him herbs when his words caught her off guard. Her whole body froze, her heart hammering in her chest. If it wasn't for Arivae's words to snap her back to attention, she would probably have stood there frozen all day. Quickly she rushed to his side, digging her face into the fur of his neck. "No my love, oh no. You're not going to die, I promise you that," she said, pulling back her head to rest her forehead against his. "I love you far too much for that to happen. Even if I have to stay up for a week to help you, I will do it. Me and Arivae are going to do everything in our power to make you better, okay? Don't fret my dear, just thinking healing thoughts, okay?" She whispered, her own eyes clouding with tears. Sniffling, she turned to the other woman and nodded her head, gesturing to the elderberries. They had enough time to soak, and he needed to eat everything else. Pushing the bunch of herbs towards him, he gave him space to eat them, trying to hide her tears.
