
The End As We Know It



5 Years
04-20-2016, 05:24 PM

Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, heavy panting making her sides heave even harder. Tears welled up in her eyes, she was going to die alone in this pathetic world. Would Voltage even know that she was gone? Would he feel her energy melt away like the last ember dying in a fire? She didn't know, and she wouldn't be able to ever find out. She sobbed openly, the pain that raced through her like licks of flames. She was going to die in fire, metaphorically. This day was just full of irony. She didn't know if she could hold on a lot longer, her vision was starting to grow blurry, her head pulsing. She was getting weaker the more she bled. She had hemorrhaged, and there was no coming back from that. But even though her mind wasn't fully in it, her body reacted the way it should. She pushed without needing to think about it, holding her breath from the effort to expel the whelps from within her.

And then there was a voice.

Serefina turned her head to see a spotted creature, almost thinking that it was a snow leopard coming to consume her before she could die fully from bleeding out. But no, when she spoke in a language she understood, she realized it was another wolf. A stranger, and by the sounds of it, new to these lands. Her English was broken, but good enough that she could understand her. "I don't know if I can be helped anymore," she rasped, a sour laugh leaving her maw. It was already too late, her life force was ebbing out of her slowly. She simply nodded her head when the woman stated that the puppies were coming, she knew. And she knew that bringing them into this world would be the last thing that she ever did. "My name is Serefina Elementas. Take the pups please, and tell them of their last name. The fact that their family was great and had their own elements. Naming them can be up to you. Please... raise them well," she choked, more tears sliding down her face and mixing with the rain. She never wanted these children in the first place, but now she wanted to make sure that they were raised right. She had no idea who this woman was, but she had stopped to help her. She said she would stay, and she nodded her head again. She was glad that she wasn't alone anymore, the comfort of having someone at her side before she passed on from this world.

As she contracted again, the first child slipped free and into this world. She was too weak to move back and see to it, or to even see her very first child. There wasn't much of a break before the pain started anew, a soft whine passing through her gritted teeth. She didn't know her first child was a male, or that his coat was more splendid than her own. She looked at the spotted female, trying to meet her blue eyes. She was afraid, scared to leave this world.

"Talk" "You" Think