
Beautiful Remains



4 Years
Extra large
04-20-2016, 08:18 PM

Naturally Mortar didn't happen to be paying attention to his surroundings.

He didn't hear his company until a voice reached out to him with concern laced into the words. "Are you okay?" His head snapped towards the voice and to his surprise he was met with a somewhat small female. Well small in terms of him and all the other wolves he was used to being around. Seraphiel, despite being younger, had already started to gain on him in height. Aurora had been his size, and then there was Glacier himself who had towered over even him. So after being around larger wolves it was different to see ones shorter than him again. His old pack had been filled with wolves that grew to be around his height. It was a refreshing change. It reminded him that every wolf was different with all different shapes, sizes, and colors.

Despite being a bit shorter than him (not that it was a bad thing) she was mostly white he noticed. He was so used to seeing reds and blues and strange colors that a color that was actually normal looked strange to him. Donostrea certainly had been a bit of an adjustment but now all he could do was compare everything to it. She was simple yet pretty at the same time. The asymmetrical markings on her were what intrigued him the most. He almost forgot she'd asked him a question. Sniffling again to try and clear his nose and tried to compose himself a bit more.

"Not really..." He said finally after a long deliberate thought process of what he should actually say to her. More than anything he was lonely and despite the fact she was a complete stranger he wanted someone to talk to. She seemed friendly at least and past that he didn't really care. He was much to upset to think about what he should and shouldn't be blurting out into the world. "Everyone in my pack, Donostrea... they all just vanished." Had she seen them? Probably not but it was worth a shot. "You haven't seen any one, have you?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

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