
my back has been breaking from this heavy heart


06-13-2013, 02:06 PM

Natsu looked at Tiresias, and laughed a little bit. He really was not interesting though, in the back of his mind that was what he said all the time. He wanted to become interesting, with his idol Cairo, he wanted to create a legend children would listen to in the future. He wanted to create a magnificent story of battle and strife, where he would be a hero. Though he didn't mind just living in one either. That was his dream and his goal. Many didn't have anything to live for, but most times Natsu could give them a reason. To move on, and create a story of their own that will blow the minds of others. When the other wolf's stomach growled, he had forgotten about the rabbit as well too caught up in the conversation. While looking at the kill that was no longer fresh, he thought for a moment. Looking at the birds cornered around the other side of the falls.

Natsu hopped up and went after the birds quickly, as one of the larger one's lagged behind. He use the muscle power in his back legs to jump as high as he could and grab the bird by the legs. Tugging it back his teeth clamped on the skull and the bird died quickly. Happy with his catch Natsu returned to his new friend and offered the bird. "Sorry about the rabbit, I caught you a bird to make up for it. You can't just go hungry it wouldn't be right." The boy said muffled as he set the bird down. Grabbing the rabbit carcass and throwing it out, some scavenger wolves would eat it, or other animals. Yet, Natsu knew himself, there was nothing better than freshly caught food. "Take it as a gift." Natsu smiled wagging his tail back and forth.
