
Your sins into me

Bright Moon


6 Years
04-20-2016, 11:25 PM
Bright was glad that he listened intently, so she smiled at him, her smile small and shy as ever. He seemed to have some sort of internal conflict, his ears twitching and paws shuffling. But one thing was very clear, as his stomach rumbled loudly for all to hear. He was indeed hungry. She was too, and she was more than willing to help her acquaintance catch a meal that they could share. As he tilted his nose to the air and mentioned scenting deer, Bright nodded in agreement with him. It would be an easy catch, so long as it wasn't a buck in good health.

"Let's go find it," she said, scenting the air herself, "We'll have a meal in no time." Then she left her position, following the trail of deer. Stalking swiftly through the woods, it was not long before she spotted a small herd - there were no younglings, but there was a doe that looked unwell. It strayed from the rest, and appeared listless. "We can get that one," she said to Quelt, nodding her head at the weak doe. It would do the herd well to lose a weaker member, anyways, particularly as the cold season came.

"Quelt, would you go around the herd and startle them, get them running?" she asked, hoping he agreed with her suggestion, "I will chase that one swiftly, it will be easy to snatch once the herd leaves it behind." A sad reality, but a faster death than perishing in the dead of winter, hungry and suffering. She was glad to be hunting with her new friend, and wondered where he would go after they finished the hunt.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]