
Little Bird



6 Years
04-21-2016, 11:46 AM

After she'd noticed that Xephris had taken a couple steps back (judging by the shuffling sound of his feet) and then after she turn her heads towards Rivaxorous as he came up on the scene. "How contagious do you think it is Armai?" It was hard to tell how contagious it was from where she stood. She'd have to "look" her over before she could given an estimate on that so she merely just shook her head.

"It just depends on what she has."

She returned her attention back to the other female and Armai decided to move closer. She could always clean herself after leaving her den each time if this girl were to return with her. She'd just stay away from the others for a while while she worked on getting her back to a more healthy state. Ears flicked forward as the girl began speaking again in a seemingly painful voice. She heard her trying to rise to her paws before falling back to the ground again this time with coughing and then the scent of blood following it. Armai frowned softly trying to keep the worry off of her face. Whatever this was it was worse than anything she'd ever been around before.

She was surprised when the male, Xephris, offered to help carry her. She'd asked him because she doubted she could move Jaelle herself, but she really had expected him to risk his own well being to help a stranger. For her it was a natural state of mind when it involved a sickly wolf. It just felt like what she was supposed to do. For others though she certainly expected there to be a higher amount of will power for self preservation to take over. She wasn't complaining though. If Riv was going to let her treat this woman then she'd need all the help she could get to get her into a warm and dry environment.

"If you can manage to climb onto him I'mm make sure you don't fall off." She said to the girl. She wasn't that big but she could at least keep her weight from shifting. She waited a second before adding to Xephris. "Make sure you scrub yourself clean afterwards and stay away from her face if you can help it. It won't be good if this spreads."

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.