
Well, what now



7 Years
Extra large

04-21-2016, 07:43 PM
He didn't want things to be awkward between he and Starling. Did he harbor some frustration at how his brother had acted at that meeting last season? Yes. Did he feel like their relationship was extremely strained? Of course. But he loved him still, and though he was a bit disappointed, he wouldn't let that get in the way of the simple fact that they were family. He couldn't imagine straying too far from any of siblings, unless they did something honestly terrible. He fought back a sigh as Starling came into view, his pace increasing slightly as he aimed to close the distance that separated them.

Lark was glad to see Starling again.. it'd been awhile. He didn't know if his brother would want to talk at all about things - it might be nice to make sure neither of them felt any sort of strange tension, for he would hate for them to feel uncomfortable around each other - but even if not, he was happy to see him. Feeling a tickle in the back ofhis throat, he tried to fight away a cough, rather unsuccessfully.

"Not great," he would answer easily, feeling as though honesty was the best idea. Lark didn't want to seem whiny, but he figured Starling would be able to tell quite quickly that he was sick, and not just being dramatic. "This cold is getting worse every day." Surely he'd get better soon though, right? His jaws unhinged again, panting softly as he felt an uncomfortable wave of heat wash over him. "How have you been?"