
Bad Company



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
04-21-2016, 08:50 PM (This post was last modified: 04-23-2016, 04:24 PM by Nyx.)
Ásvor was way too far from home. She was used to the often inhospitable lands of the north, but with the changing seasons she felt a blooming restlessness in her chest. After some mental preparation, and making sure she'd had a good meal to get her through until she made the journey back home. She didn't have any goal in mind as to where she wanted to go - just somewhere new. All the stories of the gods that her mother had shared with them churned through her mind, reminding her of how much she didn't know, and how much she had yet to experience.

Though she was just a bit more than six months old, she was certain should could take care of herself, even though she'd never been far from home. The initial part of the journey - she'd crossed a river, and a strange blood-stained field - seemed easy enough. But as the day came to a close, and the sun disappeared below the horizon, she realized she felt painfully alone and vulnerable. Finding somewhere to sleep was not terrible difficult; she found a fallen tree and wedged herself under the side of it. Sleep didn't come easy, and she felt like she hardly slept at all when the morning sunrise tickled her nose and forced her into the waking world once again.

The next day's journey felt a lot less mystical. Finally she made it over another river - this one a bit more difficult to navigate. When she made it to the riverbank, she was drenched from snout to tail, and even a vigorous shake of her coat didn't rid her fully of the moisture. Feeling as though her mood was slowly fouling, and wondering if she'd made a mistake leaving home at all, she trudged onward.

Only the scent of a stranger arrested her from her aimless wandering. Quickly she shifted, turning in his direction. Though not the most outwardly social wolf, she was unaccustomed to interacting with wolves outside of her family, and the prospect of doing something new was pretty exciting to her. Determined to meet this wolf, her pace increased until he came into view. He seemed to be about her age. Slowly to a more reasonable speed, she headed towards him. Her attention was stolen only briefly by the strange, white trees that stood overhead, and the girl would tip her nose to the sky to watch them before turning back to the boy. "Hey you!"   she'd call out, in a silky sing-song voice, "What is this place?"   It looked very much like she'd just been for a swim, though her eyes were alight with curiosity and a bit of playfulness as she looked over the stranger, her tail flicking behind her.