
Are You A Saint Or A Sinner? [M]


06-13-2013, 12:33 PM
She watched as he snarled in frustration. He hated the way she taunted him, hated the power she held over him. But then they both held a power over eachother. He could satisfying her in ways no other could. And she'd be damned if another woman thought they would bed him. He belonged to her and no other. He thought he had some special power simply because of what hung between his legs. She nearly scoffed at the thought.

Then stop fucking teasing me. She heard his threat loud and clear. Laughter bubbled in her throat once more. Oh but Demy, you know that I can't" Calling him by his nickname, spoken innocently, eyes widening for affect as she looked up at him. The desire that shown in his eyes was over power as he met her gaze. Enough to make her legs want to tremble and for her to give into her desires. The ruthless bastard would kill any pups she ever had, if he didn't rip her womb from her belly first. A whine of frustration fell from her lips, darkened lips curling back. "I hate this." Words each spoken with enough venom to kill. Two-toned plume lashed angrily behind her. It drove her mad that winter was barely half over.

She turned away from him, heading back up the beach to the edge of the midnight sand. She wanted to hunt and then sleep winter away. Plopping her haunches down, she stretched out, laying her entire across the earth. Rest her muzzle on her jaws, she watched her brother. Waiting for him to either join her, or take off to fulfill his own agenda. Hopefully he wouldn't take off up just yet, she had after all just been reunited with him. She wasn't done with him just yet.