



3 Years
04-23-2016, 10:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2016, 06:57 PM by Ciùineas.)

Welcome to the adoption thread for the Airgids, a family I created for Ciùineas and would like to adopt out!  I won't bore you with a bunch of banter about why I created them or whatever, and get right to their backstory and customs and cool junk like that.  Super important information will be in bold text!

Members of this family (or most of them, at least) primarily practice a modified version of Wiccan religion, which is already quite flexible.  This is mostly just because there isn't any magic on Ardently, and to clear up confusion.  ANY "MAGIC" USED BY THE AIRGIDS IS PURELY NON-EXISTENT AND WON'T HAVE ANY EFFECT.

Those practicing the Airgid version of Wiccan faith believe in no divine beings, but instead in the divine energies of the world.  The divine aspects are seen as a "greater power", but not as one that is completely seperate from themselves.  Rather, it is part of them, in some way.  The origin of many of the Airgid's names are brought forth from these aspects, such as tranquility (Ciùineas), peace (Sìth), earth (Creadha), etc.  The names are often of Irish or Scottish Gaelic origin, true to their family history.  Often, children of an Airgid are named after aspects that descend from their own, such as tranquility descending from peace.

The Airgid's version of Wiccan faith really revolves about the Rede, the five core principles of the religion.  It is pretty similar to the ten commandments of Christianity or the Five Pillars of Islam.  The "hell branch" of the Airgid seem to ignore most of the Rede, where the "heaven branch" usually follow it much more closely.  You can easily read up on the Rede right HERE  If you want a simplified version of it, here:

- Do no harm.
- Do good, and good will be done to you.  Do evil, and evil will be done to you.
- If you mess up, it's your fault.
- Constantly strive to improve yourself positively.
- The self is divine, the aspects are divine, and the universe itself is divine.

Altars and cleansing are still quite a major part of their religion.  In order to aid in channeling their inner energies, altars are often created by the Airgids in a special place.  Those that are more open may perhaps create an altar out in the open, where introverted wolves will create theirs in a hidden place.  All items used in the altar or even worn must be cleansed through different methods such as: moon-bathing (leaving it in clear view of the moon somewhere for an extended period of time), sun-bathing (same as moon-bathing, but with the sun), actual cleansing in living (running) water.  If one wishes to wear a skull or some remain of an animal that they have killed, they must cleanse it, for it is deemed "tainted".

"Magick" is also a widely-practiced part of the Airgid Wicca, but it really refers to the art of prayer and performing rites and rituals.  "Spells" only have effects for those who believe they do.  Some Airgid's believe spells to be casting actual rites, where others believe it is simply the work of healing.

The Airgid are very accepting of the beliefs of others, and often wish to share them to bolster their pools of knowledge.  They value wisdom and wit over brute strength and force.  If they were ever to lead a pack, they would seek friendship with many packs to exchange knowledge and healing skills, or perhaps to aid in training their own healers.  While they usually closely follow the Rede, the Airgid are not pushovers.  If forced to, they will fight.

The Airgid originated from a faraway continent.  For as long as can be remembered, the clan has been living in isolation from the expansive continents of Boreas and Auster.  From being passed down from generation to generation, the first known Airgids were Cruthachadh and her husband, Gainmheach.  Of course, there were many before them, but it was too long ago to be remembered.  From them came Làin, Creadha and Nèamhaidh; the Tidal, the Earthen and the Heavenly.  A few generations later, a movement of Airgids was spurned on by a curious female by the name of Ciùineas.  Across many lands did she lead her kin, until they happened upon Auster and Boreas.

While I have no designs to provide, making designs for these wolves should be very simple.  There is currently NO crazy designs, colors, etc. involved in the bloodlines of the Airgids, which means they should all be free.  They are very naturally colored and of normal height, rather than absolutely massive.  The size of an Airgid ranges from the smallest to the maximum free height, and very rarely, a little bit taller.  Their height may not exceed 39".


Làin Airgid x Cogadh
Sìth, Cal, Eireachdail — 5 years old, born in Autumn
Làin and Cogadh were united by a one-night stand, leading to the birth of their tree only children, Sìth, Cal, and Eireachdail, though Cal was stillborn.  Sìth and Eireachdail went on to produce their own children later on in their life, though Eireachdail left their parents at home to come to Auster and Boreas with his wife and own children.

Uìne x Sìth Airgid
Ciùineas — 3 years old, born in Autumn
In the days before Sìth fell ill with and died of cancer, she found a lovely man by the name of Uìne.  After a season of bonding, the female was pregnant with one lone child, Ciùineas.  This came as a surprise, but they were quite alright with it.  They raised their daughter and watched her go out on her own before Sìth became sickly and Uìne seemingly disappeared after her death.

Eireachdail Airgid x Naomh Airgid
Àlainn, Saoil — 3 years old, born in Summer
There was little that was special about the circumstances of birth for the children of Eireachdail and Naomh.  Àlainn and Saoil were blessed with two loving parents that were practically inseperable.  As they made their journey away from home, their children tagged right along, bringing their own families.  The more the merrier.

Olc x Àlainn
Pèine x Aiseirigh — 1 year old, born in Summer
Àliann accidentally found herself in an abusive relationship with a brute named Olc, and was forced to disobey the Rede as Olc murdered her firstborn son.  As the man prepared to kill Aiseirigh, her daughter, Àlainn ended his life.  With aid from her parents, she easily raised her remaining child.

Saoil Glaodh x Eun Glaodh
Iteach, Réabhlóid, Iarratas — 1 year old, born in Summer
Saoil quickly befriended a pup named Eun, and the two became close friends... and then they got closer and wed themselves.  Saoil took the name of his wife, and they produced a litter of three pups.  Iteach, however, did not make it for very long, due to being a runt and quickly catching a sickness.  This left the two with their son and daughter, who grew quickly and came with them on their adventures to a new home.

Creadha Airgid x Cloiche
Prìomh, Chridhe — 1 year old, born in Spring
The Earthen found a love in a female named Cloiche, but she passed while giving birth to his two children, Prìomh and Chridhe.  In grief and mourning, Creadha took his own life to join his wife in Somnium, leaving his children to be raised by the other members of the clan.  As they aged, the duo became adventurous and decided to follow the other Airgids and their movement to Auster and Boreas.

Sannt x Nèamhaidh Airgid
Ifrinn — 4 years old, born in Autumn
EVERYONE DESCENDED FROM SANNT IS CONSIDERED IN THE HELL BRANCH.  Ifrinn was raised by Sannt, rather than by Nèamhaidh, due to her being forced to carry Sannt's spawn for him.  The son knows little of his mother, and he believes he came from Sannt and only Sannt.

Ifrinn Airgid x Unknown
Deamhan — 2 years old, born in Autumn
Ifrinn, as soon as he could, went out on a hunt to bolster his number of followers, and thus decided that reproduction was his best bet.  He has never once stated the names of the females he has courted, and they are unknown.  Deamhan was the first son of Ifrinn, and intends to follow in his footsteps and probably plot world domination.

Ifrinn Airgid x Unknown
Teine, Pronnaisg — 2 years old, born in Autumn
The second wolf he mated with died whilst giving birth to Ifrinn's second and third children, whom were snatched away from Ifrinn before he could corrupt them and make them evil.  The duo were raised by Nèamhaidh and Dòchas, before leaving with their children for Auster and Boreas.

Dòchas x Nèamhaidh Airgid
Creideamh, Bruadar, Aislingeach — 3 years old, born in Autumn
Unlike her first affair with Sannt, Nèamhaidh truly found love in Dòchas.  They happily wed one another and produced one litter of children, raising them as their own and bidding them good luck as they decided to go with the other half of the family venturing away from home.  Bruadar was killed by a bull elk just seasons ago.

Now that you've managed to make it past that wall of words... here's the application to apply for an Airgid!  I don't really have a deadline in mind, so take your time!  :P

[b]OOC Name:[/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b] What is the name of the character you're adopting?  If you're changing it, put the new one here as well.

[b]Appearance:[/b] At least 100 words!

[b]Personality:[/b] At least 100 words!

[b]RP Sample:[/b] At least 200 words!

[b]Plans:[/b] What ideas do you have for this character?  Any interactions with others, or maybe even plans to follow Ciùineas, should she decide to make a pack after leading the movement to Auster/Boreas?